Friday, July 14, 2023

Micro-sprint 7/13/23

 119 words. My best day so far. 

The micro-sprints are only five minutes long. Right now anyway. The idea is I start here and then build. Next week 10 minutes and the week after that 15, and so on.

The guy I got the idea from says he does it for 30 minutes at a shot, usually a couple of times or more a day. We'll see where I get to with it.

Monday, July 10, 2023

104 Words

 Best day so far. Though at three days to write one page I've got a long way to go to catch up to Brandon Sanderson.

On the other hand I'm leaving Martin in the dust.

76 Words

 Not much to say. Still trying this micro-sprint idea out.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

95 Words

Not a lot of words, but it's more than I wrote yesterday. Of course yesterday I wrote zero, so there was plenty of room for improvement.

It's a writing exercise called a micro-sprint. The idea came from Chris Fox. He's published quite a few books in a short period, so I'm going to see if his methods work for me.

Essay of the Day: Broca's Brain-Carl Sagan

 This is the first essay in the book, also called Broca's Brain. It's about Sagan's trip to a museum in France. One of the, I...